Restocked & Rescheduled
- by Fiona Admin
Great Gift Ideas It's been a mad few days here at The Corkscrew HQ, we're flying around between 3 buildings trying to get ready to open the new shop; we will have more on the developments soon. We have also...

Poolside Rosé
- by Fiona Admin
Poolside Rosé It's a little over a month since our German Gems were restocked, and while we've continued to wait in joyful hope of some half-decent weather, our favourite Rosé was out catching the attention of one of Ireland's best...

German Gems Restocked - Including a 99 Point Pinot "Masterpiece"
- by Fiona Admin
TGIF, a long weekend and payday!! If you're looking for something to treat yourself to with your paycheck, look no further. Our exceptional wines from impressive new wave German winemakers Thörle are back in stock, including the 99 Point Pinot...